Sections and their functions

i)Students Finance


1.Posting of Invoices to students Accounts after registration

2.Posting of all receipts to students Accounts after payments

3.Updating of students accounts on third party payments- e.i HELB, CDF, OTHER SPONSORS, GoK    SCHOLARSHIPS

4.Updating the fee structures every end of Academic year in the Students portal.

5. Student clearance for graduation and collection of certificates

6.Maintaining third party payments control accounts

7.Processing of students refunds and HELB, GoK returns.

8.Updating student’s records regarding retakes, resits and Interfaculty transfers.

9. Respond to student enquiries.

10. Generate Student Finance reports –Student Debtors and Third party schedules to support the GL 

ii) Cash office 


  1. Attending to Clients.
  2. Receive payments on behalf of the university.
  3. Make payments as approved  by vice chancellor on behalf of the university.
  4. University Cash flow management.
  5. Encashment and Issuance of all university petty-cash payments.
  6. Management of Finance Department main petty-cash.
  7. Payment of students’ class representatives’ tokens and students medical claims.
  8. Prepare monthly cash flow projections for consideration by Budget Implementation Committee (BIC).
  9. Prepare periodic management reports on university cash-flow performance vis-a-vis projections.
  10. Custodians of university titles deeds, Logbooks, Receipts, Cheque books, paid up vouchers and other accountable documents.
  11. Correspondences with other university units, banks and other clients.
  12. Facilitate university audits activities.
  13. Attend to other function as assigned by the deputy Finance officer/ Finance Officer.


iii) Bank Reconciliation


  1. Verification and posting of receipts
  2. Pulling receipts into the cash-book
  3. Processing cheques into the cash-book
  4. Reconcilling sub-ledger accounts to the general ledger
  5. Reconciliation of  the various University bank accounts
  6. Preparing reports for GIMIs input by Final Accounts
  7. Ensure monthly reconciliation reports are accurately done on time
  8. Ensuring monthly submission of reports to the Office of Auditor General and National Treasury by 10th of the following month

iv) Financial Reporting and assets management

  1. Preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports for the university.
  2. Preparation of periodic management financial reports.
  3. Maintenance of fixed asset register and Preparation of quarterly and annual reports in respect of fixed assets.
  4. Making recommendations and assisting in the implementation of new or revised accounting systems.
  5. Reviewing  internal accounting policies and procedures and making recommendations for their revision

v) Accounts Receivables


  1. Processing imprest warrants and surrenders
  2. Preparing invoices for internal and external debtors
  3. Preparing  monthly, quarterly and yearly imprest reports.
  4. Preparing monthly, quarterly and yearly internal and external debtors reports

       vi) Accounts Payables


1.Processing payments for the following:

  • Petty Cash
  • Internal,external examiners and supervisors.
  • Part time teaching claims.
  • Medical claims.
  • Substance Claims/Travelling
  • Staff Medical and Hospital Bills.
  • Gratuities.
  • Passage and Baggage.
  • Casuals.
  • Administrative Officers top up allowances.
  •  Student refunds
  • Memorandums.
  • Prepayments.
  • Supplies for goods and services.
  • Legal charges/fees.
  • Commissioner of domestic taxes and VAT.
  • Senior common room and Agricultural resource center.

2. Liasing with Internal and external auditors.

3.Preparing monthly, quarterly and annual accounts payables reports

vii) Examination


  1. Examining teaching claims,medical claims, subsistence claims,leave days/overtime ,
  2. Examining payment vouchers for teaching claims, medical,substance, contractual services,utilities e.g kplic,water bills, suppliers.
  3. Examining Imprests and imprests surrenders,requisitions,service gratuity
  4. Examining monthly statutory deductions and other deductions etc


viii)Budgetary Control


  1. Uploading the University’s Budget into GIMIS for approval by the ministry and making any amendments therein as advised by the ministry
  2. Uploading the University’s approved budget into Sage Accounting system and distributing the same to the individual departments within the University
  3. Committing imprests into workflow
  4. Committing payment vouchers into Sage accounting system and workflow. They include payment vouchers for:
    1. Salary deductions
    2. Medical claims
    3. Salary refunds
    4. Gratuities
    5. Casual wages
    6. Suppliers
    7. Contractors
  5. Committing purchase requisitions into workflow and Sage accounting system